This Valor Rising training program is Open to all players who want to be dedicated and wish to be exceptional. This program is for players born in 2016 & 2017 looking to enhance their soccer learning experience and prepare for travel soccer. Valor Rising is designed to create an environment for individual player development for players who desire a higher level of coaching and training and show great passion for the game of soccer. This program is designed for competitive soccer players who have a desire to play in the Virginia Valor FC travel soccer program in the Fall of 2023.
The program will encourage individual and small group play development. The focus of the program is to create an environment that encourages risk-taking and creativity, individual decision-making skills, advanced skill development, and most importantly a fun environment that instills a love for the game. The coaching model that will be used focuses on guided discovery versus command teaching to allow players the opportunity to enhance individual problem solving. Coaching through positive, constructive, brief, and specific feedback.
It is recognized by both SYA and CYA recreational soccer that our organizations, if aligned in a thoughtful, progressive manner, will be stronger as a consolidated entity. With this understanding, SYA and CYA are committing to pursue a collaboration of the two clubs to form the travel soccer partnership, Virginia Valor FC
If you have any questions please email:
Girls: Craig Scott: craigscott@virginiavalorfc.org
Boys: Abdul Mohsini: amohsini@virginiavalorfc.org
This program is a supplemental program and does not replace SYA/CYA and any other additional recreational practices/leagues, but rather encourages both to be done together as they are meant to compliment one another in preparation for travel soccer at U9.
Spring Season
March 20th and 27th, April 110th, 17th and 24th, May 1st
May 8th (rain date)
Sully Highlands Park #1
Girls 5:15 - 6:15pm
Boys 6:15-7:15pm
Cost - $95
(Jersey Included!)